Our purpose

The mission of the Western Cancer Centre Foundation (WCCF) is to improve cancer care and quality of life of people living with cancer and their families throughout Western NSW. 

A cancer diagnosis is often an overwhelming and life changing experience, which carries heavy emotional burdens in addition to causing financial and social stress.  Patients who are living in major cities with close access to their treating teams have it tough enough, but add a 1000km round trip to see your doctor or have your radiotherapy, and our rural patients can really be facing an uphill challenge. 

We know that people living in Western NSW are less likely than their city counterparts to undertake investigation and treatment of their cancers, and that those who do are more likely to be isolated from their key supporters - family and friends in their home communities.  Cancer touches the lives of so many people beyond the patient, that improving their quality of life and the support they receive has flow on effects to benefit our entire community.  

We help in three main ways:
- By providing education to patients and their families
- By providing support to patients and their families
- By providing funding of the Wellness Centre that is attached to the Western Cancer Centre based in Dubbo, NSW