Major donors and supporters
We are humbled by the generosity of our major donors, whose support makes a real difference in the lives of cancer patients in Western NSW and their families. There is also an ever growing number of supporters, whose collective fundraising efforts similarly helps enable the foundation to pursue its mission of improving cancer care and quality of life for people affected by cancer across our region.
Regional Australia Bank
Major Donor
The WCCF participates in the Regional Australia Bank’s Community Partnership Program, which allows you to support the foundation without it costing you or the WCCF a cent!
All you need to do is save with an eFree, Community Partnership Account or Youth Account at Regional Australia Bank, and elect to support the WCCF.
Regional Australia Bank calculates the average annual balance of each of our supporters and donates the equivalent of one per cent to Cancer Centre Foundation Limited .
By banking with Regional Australia Bank, you won’t only have access to this great program, but competitive interest rates, and sound guidance from their local experts.
For more information contact Brenda Moon from Regional Australia Bank on 0418 468 341 or email her on [email protected] or visit today.
The Chase Family Donation
The Chase family from Tottenham shaved their heads for the Western Cancer Centre Foundation based in Dubbo. Over the June long weekend, the Chase family said goodbye to their locks. All six family members shaved their heads, Steve, Amity, Harry, Fergus, Toby and Patrick in memory of their friend Austin Steer, who lost his battle with bowel cancer in 2021. The Chase family and the Tottenham community raised more than $15,000 for the centre .
Dubbo Kangaroos Rugby Club
The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze us, and the ongoing support of the Dubbo Kangaroos Rugby Club is testament to how big local hearts really are. Following the club's hugely successful recent Ladies Day event, members made a number of extraordinarily generous donations to various local and regional charitable organisations, including a whopping $10,000 to us at the Western Cancer Centre Foundation. The fight against cancer is one that's very close to the heart of the 'Roos, and we will be putting this wonderful donation towards something very special in recognition of the ongoing support of the club and it's members. On behalf of all those people and families from right across our region and the state who will benefit from the support of the WCCF, we say a massive THANK YOU, DUBBO 'ROOS! (Pictured are representatives from various local cancer-based charities including WCCF board members Jen Cowley, Donna Falconer and Dr Florian Honeyball, with Dubbo Kangaroos Rugby Club members Will Anderson, Gerard Webster, Anthony Golding and Graeme Board.)
Dubbo Dirt Bike Club
Community based sporting organisation, the Dubbo Dirt Bike Club, made a generous donation of $4000 to the Foundation following the running of the Mac Daddy Cup. Board director Jen Cowley went along to accept the donation and to thank club members for their support.
Rotary Club of Dubbo Macquarie
President Susie Rowley and members of the Rotary Club of Dubbo Macquarie, made a donation in support of the Western Cancer Centre Foundation. The donation will help with continuing work for residents with cancer in our region.
Orana Gardens Social Club
One of the Foundation's very early supporters was the RSL Orana Gardens Social Club, whose members held a morning tea to fundraise for a cause close to their hearts. Our board directors Donna Falconer and Lyn Smith were honoured to accept the special donation from Bert McLennan and Tom Gray.
Orana Mall Pharmacy
Members of staff at the Orana Mall Pharmacy were among those to offer support in the early days of the Foundation. Pictured are our board directors Jen Cowley and Donna Falconer accepting the thoughtful donation from the pharmacy's staff members.
Rotary Club of Dubbo West
Major Donor
The Rotary Club of Dubbo West and its members are among our most ardent supporters and advocates, having been part of the initial push to establish the Western Cancer Centre way back in 2015. We are enormously grateful for their continued support and for all the club and its members do elsewhere to make our community a better place to live.
Dubbo 4WD Club
A huge and heartfelt "THANK YOU" to the generous members of the Dubbo 4WD Club for their presentation to the WCCF of a cheque which will be used to support the work we do to help make the road a little smoother for those on a journey with cancer. We can't do what we're doing without our community behind us - so THANK YOU! Pictured are Dubbo 4WD Club representative Colin Simpson with WCCF board member Donna Falconer and chair Dr Florian Honeyball.
Garden Hotel Fishing Club
Thank you Dubbo Garden Hotel Fishing Club and the Garden Hotel for your extraordinary donation to the Western Cancer Centre Foundation. The Dubbo Garden Hotel Fishing Club held a raffle with the fabulous prize of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. WCCF were one of the recipients of their fundraising efforts. Pictured are Directors, Dr.Joe Canalese and Donna-Marie Falconer receiving the huge cheque..